God is in the Valley, where are you?

1Samuel 17  While Saul is assembling his army and camping in the valley of Elah the Philistines are doing the same. In the meantime, a giant named Goliath taunts them for  40 days!  While this is going on, David is busy tending sheep many miles away until one day his father sends him on an […]

God is on that Mountain, Where are you?

1Samuel 14  King Saul was sitting under a pomegranate tree. The king’s son, Jonathan was ready to go and engage the enemy. Jonathan knew where the enemy was but he also knew that he could not face them without the Lord. “Perhaps the Lord will intervene for us” was his prayer. What is your prayer […]

Be Careful What You Wish For…

1Samuel 8    Sadness entered the life of Samuel when those he had served for many many years decided he was too old and his sons were unfit. Feeling rejected, Samuel shared his hurt with God. God helped him to realize what they were saying in the flesh was really what was in their heart. […]

The Heart of the Matter

Judges 16  Manoah and his wife were dedicated parents but their son had a problem with enticing women. To quote Pastor Ed Rea about Samson’s downward spiral of sin, “first it blinds us, then it binds us, and then it grinds us.” That is exactly what transpired in Samson’s life. Was that God’s plan for […]

Babies are a Gift…except at 3 a.m.!

So you are going to be a new mom or dad. What are you thinking about as you now recognize this new idea? Judges 13  We love seeing and cooing and holding a newborn but at 3 a.m. when the wee one is screaming and you can’t determine what is wrong you find yourself wondering where […]

A Conundrum

Judges 11  As we stop and ponder the story and the vow of Jephthah we are left scratching our heads and wondering about him and his rash vow. Surely God has a purpose for including this in scripture so let’s try to unpack it with the help of Hebrews 11. It is there that we find […]

The Sword of the Lord and Gideon

The sword of the Lord is a symbol of God’s power, protection, and authority. What good is a sword in its sheath? Its power is unleashed when drawn. Judges 6 to 8  Children love the story of this man! After hearing this story, if told with great inflection, you often will hear them shout that phrase […]

Funerals and Eulogies

What words would you want to be said at your funeral? Think about it. Joshua 24:29  We have walked from Egypt to Israel with this great man of God who now is called, like Moses, the “Lord’s servant.” If by some miraculous means you could hear what is said at your funeral what would that be?  […]