10.11.24.Giving From the Heart

1 Cor 8 Giving  We set aside one day of the week for our tithing but there are other times when we give sacrificially to meet the needs of others. Paul had been collecting monies for the Jerusalem church. Many gave out of their hearts, not out of their abundance. In fact, they had little […]

9.23.24. Spiritual Gifts

1 Cor 12 The Spirit Gifts When one believes and accepts Christ as Savior, it is the Holy Spirit that reveals to our hearts that Jesus is Lord. Is He Lord of your life? If so, then the Spirit is yours as well and with that He gives the gifts that are needed to develop […]


Phil 2 Real Life Joy Children learn an acronym and recite it: J-O-Y which translates to Jesus first, others second, yourself last. We all need to use that in our witness and our everyday life. Paul wanted his precious Philippians believers to “recite” this in real life scenarios. He wrote to the church: “each of […]

True Contentment

1 Timothy 6 We live in a materialistic society. We are bombarded with ads for this and that supposedly because we need it to be contented. But, if you read history and the biographies of rich men, you will find that they were not contented. Rockefeller when asked what would make him contented, he answered, […]

Lifestyle Application

1 Cor 9-11 Paul’s counsel applies to us today. Some will always scrutinize our walk and work, but we choose to live by the higher law. Why might we choose this when Jesus proclaimed that those who proclaim the gospel should be paid for that work? Just as Paul chose to live and work as […]

“Serving Until the Very End”

John 13 Jesus knew his departure from this world was imminent. Yet note what John recalled: Jesus knew that he was leaving this world BUT he was returning to His Father. When we face that unwelcome companion that will enter our sphere do we have that same confidence? Are we sure that after our last […]

What is God saying to you and me?

Isaiah 1-4 Recently, a group of men entered a submersible and set off to view the Titanic. One was a billionaire, but did he know the God of Isaiah? When the submersible imploded, what good would all of his wealth do him? Could he take that wealth into eternity?   Isaiah, God’s prophet, is asking […]