Truth Matters…

1 Cor 7 Opinions vs Truth What do you trust more; someone’s opinion or the truth? That seems like a rather simple question with a simple answer, but not so fast. In our world, opinions fluctuate and cause problems that seem insolvable. So what does one do? One goes to the scripture and seeks their […]

The Majesty of God

Psalm 104 The Lord God Almighty  When we believe that God spoke His truth through the Bible, our lives are anchored upon a solid foundation of God’s power, perspective and purpose. Over and over the writers of scripture remind us that God is light and in Him there is no darkness. Darkness is a picture […]

Come out from among them…

1 Cor 5 Immorality vs Purity In the culture of Corinth it seems that were many who accepted the mores of the unsaved rather than standing apart. It is similar to today. Our TV shows reveal that dark side of sin blatantly and with no holds barred. In fact, we even might see it in […]

The Reasons Behind…

1 Cor 1 “so that” How many times have you been asked why you continue on the road of Christendom? People wonder why I have been and how long I have been a believer in Christ. Paul explains two reasons why: “the testimony about Christ has been confirmed among you—so that you do not lack any spiritual gift.” and secondly “so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is […]

Are you prepared?

Proverbs 21 Solomon points out that there are several classes of people his son will encounter in his life as king. These are the same that we also face. There are the stubborn,the simple, the naive, the wise and the foolish. He sums it up this way, ‘Proud,” “Haughty,” “Scoffer,” are his names, Who acts […]