Christ Knows…

 Revelation 2 The Risen Christ Knows… What does He know but the good we have done but He also knows where we are failing. As He sits on his throne in heaven He looks down and sees the good along with the bad. He knows when we are successful in our witness and where we […]

12.1.24. Preparing for Advent

Revelation 1 Behold He is coming soon Over and over Jesus prepared his disciples with wisdom and knowledge that they might tell the good news: Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. All of these precious disciples suffered and died but John alone has remained and it is he that has received this vision to […]

11.30.24. God’s ways are not our ways

Psalm 137 Singing We sing the songs of our Christian faith often as a reminder of what God has done for us in the past and how to look forward to the future. However, as this psalm reminds us, often when an enemy captures people groups, their songs have been left behind like a treasure […]

11.28.24.How Thankful are you?

John 21 Thankfulness Across America today is Thanksgiving and what an appropriate way to celebrate by reading the closing of this glorious gospel message. We know that from all 20 chapters previously we have walked with John as he shares his life with Jesus and the other disciples. It is fitting as well to see […]

11.27.24.What do you need to believe?

John 20 Evidence  Jesus has risen but only Mary has seen Him and touched Him and believed. Even her words are like that of a foolish woman. How like today when we witness to others, our words fall on fallow ground. Just like the parable of the seeds are the hearts of men. Some fall […]

11.26.24. Fear is the enemy

John 19 Guilty or Innocent In this chapter the Apostle John is like Sherlock Holmes. He has the evidence, will he pronounce the verdict? Jesus remarked that the one who had handed him over to Pilate had the greater sin. Who was He referring to? Could it be Pilate who stood before him in total […]

11.24.24.God’s Love

Psalm 136 God’s Love is Enduring This psalm was sung in the early church at Passover. The notes on this psalm tell us: “The psalmist called on the people to give thanks to God three times. The refrain here and throughout the psalm explains the reason for praising Him. The repetition of the refrain in […]

11.22.24.Preparing for Eternity

John 17 Our Destiny… They say that when your time has come you know it or sense that soon you will depart from your earthly existence. It was so with my precious friend Rosie, as well as several others I have disciples or taught and with my mother. I have not yet experienced this but […]

11.21.24.The Holy Spirit.

John 16 The Helper What a blessing to read this chapter and to ponder the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Helper whom Jesus promised to those who believe in Him. Although at this point He had not been given, but on Pentecost He will come and indwell each believer. He will teach everything and […]