12.14.24. Today and Tomorrow
Revelation 10 Just another day… Is Jesus walking with you today? We have watched the Apostle John as he has experienced the heavens opened and the crowd of believers and…[...]
Revelation 10 Just another day… Is Jesus walking with you today? We have watched the Apostle John as he has experienced the heavens opened and the crowd of believers and…[...]
Trust God! Today as I in the past, we are a people that often face turmoil and distress of various things that come across our path. We are a people…[...]
He is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path John 18 Friends vs Enemies John accurately describes those who love Jesus and those who seek to…[...]
John 18 Acceptance How full is your love cup today? Do you choose to love all or do you love piecemeal? Why is love so important? It is the mark…[...]
John 5 One on One It is interesting to me, the reader, to see the travels of Jesus. We saw him in Cana, then in Samaria, and now back in…[...]
3 John A Balm in Gilead The Apostle John is writing to a personal friend, Gaius. His words to him remind us of this hymn: There is a Balm in…[...]
Psalm 118 Enduring! Our world is awash in turmoil with wars and rumors of wars. There are problems with the church and its people with fightings within and without. Yet, in…[...]
2 Cor 13 Examination Time As long as we were students, we faced the ultimate exam to test our understanding of the material the master had taught. In our personal…[...]
2 Cor 11 Paul loved the Corinthian church and its people, but like many then and today, the love between them had become strained. We see this in churches and…[...]
2 Cor 7 Rejoicing What thoughts bring joy to your mind today? For Paul, it was the moment he embraced Titus upon his return. Paul had been despondent at not…[...]