
Prov 25-26 Similitudes and Instructions A similitude is a comparison of one thing to another. Solomon’s words in these two chapters are collected into these two categories using the word “like.” Example: “Like apples of gold in settings of silver, so is a word skillfully spoken.” [25:11] Solomon is comparing the beauty of gold and […]

I Would See Jesus…..Matthew 9

Matthew has us walk with him as the “Son of Man” encounters those who are in need of healing (disease-death-demon possession). Not only does the “Son of Man” encounter those who need physical healing but those who are in need of spiritual healing. One of the keys that is noted in this chapter is the […]

Worthless vs Ideal Words [ Matt 12 &Prov 16 ]

I love this picture to the left because it reminds me that even if I am faithless He is faithful. I don’t know if you can relate but often have I cringed at something I have just said and the verse in Matthew 12 comes back to convict me.  It is then that I am […]