Halloween or Reformation Day?

It seems that our world is head over heels in love with Halloween to the point that you can go to almost any store and find all kinds of paraphernalia.…[...]
It seems that our world is head over heels in love with Halloween to the point that you can go to almost any store and find all kinds of paraphernalia.…[...]
Bible history is fascinating and teaches us many practical as well as spiritual lessons. The prophet Nahum was sent to encourage the kingdom of Judah as they were being assaulted…[...]
Nahum 2: Eternity is Just Around the Corner Our world is consumed with “fluff” meaning that which is without substance. It wants what “feels good.” The city of Nineveh was…[...]
This is an insightful blog post by a sweet gal.[...]
Have you ever felt your heart so sad that you thought it would break? This is what Jeremiah faced for five full chapters. That is why, as Jeremiah, we begin…[...]
Ever hear: “I don’t want you and I don’t need you?” Devastating words that creep into your soul and you say how did it come to this? What did I…[...]
In chapter 18 of Jeremiah we read that the Master Potter forms and uses the clay to form perfect vessels, of whom we are. You are God's chosen vessel. God…[...]
2Corinthians 13 “Do I Have to?” When children are being disciplined they are often sent to their rooms to “think about it.” Paul is saying to his beloved Corinthian children…[...]
I have struggled with what Paul wrote to the Philippians when he wrote: “I have learned to be content in any circumstance…I have learned the secret of contentment.” How does…[...]