“A Graveyard and a Tomb’s Story”

Luke 24 It is good to rehearse Luke 24 and the Resurrection story to remind us that Jesus has power over life and death and especially in this COVID scene…[...]
Luke 24 It is good to rehearse Luke 24 and the Resurrection story to remind us that Jesus has power over life and death and especially in this COVID scene…[...]
Luke 18 Yesterday Luke introduced us to the “freak, geek and the seek(er).” Today Luke shares another group of citizens: the “scoundrel and the scam artist.” First we meet a…[...]
Luke 14 As a Master Teacher, Jesus never missed an opportunity to teach lessons we all need to learn. As an observer at a dinner party on the Sabbath, Jesus…[...]
Luke 11:2-5 Our greatest need is to pray. When asked, Jesus gave his followers a simple manual consisting of three basic elements of prayer followed by these words: “Blessed rather are…[...]
Luke 8:26-39 Dr. Luke uses his pen to share with us that a true disciple loves as God loves and shows compassion as He does. In Luke 8:26-39, the focus…[...]
Luke 4&5 Are you satisfied with your life the way it is? It seems that those in Israel were, and when Jesus arrives on the scene, they are amazed, astonished,…[...]
Luke 1 to 3 The people of Israel waited four hundred years to hear from God and his prophets, but He had been silent. Now in a flash of a…[...]
Mark 14 to 16 Jesus quoted Zechariah, "you will all scatter," but Peter exclaimed: I will "never" forsake you and am willing to die for you. His word "NEVER" echoes…[...]
Mark 11: During Christ's last week, often called the Passion Week, we see His only miracle of destruction in the cursing of the fig tree, his second cleansing of the…[...]
Mark 7 Mark wanted his audience to see that our lips and our outward worship may say we love God, but it is the inward heart that is God’s measuring…[...]