Remember–then Share
Deut 14 to 16 We set aside different dates to remember various events, and soon we will remember the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord. God set aside dates…[...]
Deut 14 to 16 We set aside different dates to remember various events, and soon we will remember the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord. God set aside dates…[...]
Exodus 7 to 9 Pride goeth before a fall, and Pharaoh will learn how true that is. God sent the brothers Aaron and Moses to speak to Pharaoh: “Let My people…[...]
Acts 17 Are you feeling less faithful because of the pandemic? Does it seem like you are in a holy huddle on Facebook, Twitter, and now Parler? Or are you…[...]
Luke 24 It is good to rehearse Luke 24 and the Resurrection story to remind us that Jesus has power over life and death and especially in this COVID scene…[...]
Ezekiel 12-14 Marcel Marceau was arguably the most famous mime artist of the century. Using white face and dramatic eyes, he referred to mime as the “art of silence.” Hundreds…[...]
Isaiah 25/26 Today some people are asking for prayer. Sometimes it is just a simple request. Each one who is reaching out is a heart that is hurting. We wonder…[...]
Job is in isolation just as we are in quarantine. We can relate to his isolation because of coronavirus isolation. Are you frustrated? Do you want to see an end…[...]
1 Chron 20 What do you do when you hear bad news? What did the author of this passage want to teach us? First, even kings and leaders who are…[...]
Proverbs 23 This past month all over the world, parents are learning how to homeschool because of the lockdown due to the Coronavirus. Some find it a joy and others,…[...]
1 Chron 24-26 Today we received yet another note from one of the international staff that they had been tested and it was positive. Will this person weather the corona…[...]