Remember–then Share

God provides so we may share

Deut 14 to 16 We set aside different dates to remember various events, and soon we will remember the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord. God set aside dates so the Israelites would recall events in their past and how the God of their provision was a God of promise. It is a privilege to know that one is chosen and elected to serve the most Holy God of the universe; thus, each date is to be a celebration of what God has accomplished.

As we celebrate, may we also remember the poor among us who have little to bring to the altar of sacrifice. We who have much are then to give out of our abundance to supply what the poor lack. We must not “must not harden our heart or be insensitive to his impoverished condition. Instead, open your hand and generously lend him whatever he needs.” [Deut 15:7]

Today many are poor due to extenuating circumstances due to the COVID. Today, some are in our communities, some in our churches, and some are homeless as they have lost all. Our hearts must be open to giving and giving wherever God reveals. We must remember that God is the God of provision, and He has blessed us beyond measure so that we might be able to reach out and touch the lives of those who in need.

God provides so we may share.

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