
Phil 2 Real Life Joy Children learn an acronym and recite it: J-O-Y which translates to Jesus first, others second, yourself last. We all need to use that in our witness and our everyday life. Paul wanted his precious Philippians believers to “recite” this in real life scenarios. He wrote to the church: “each of […]

Freedom or Slavery?

Gal 4 In several cultures there is a rite of passage by having ceremonies and lavish parties. I can remember our granddaughter had her quinceañera when she turned 15. It is both a religious and a social event and much went into the planning of this. For the Jewish boys it is the Bar Mitzvah […]

Multi-generational relationships

1 Timothy 5 As in the time of Timothy, so today we have multi generational groups which require wisdom and patience. Paul’s wisdom to Timothy is to be wise in word and deed to those who are older, yet sometimes can be challenging to the young. Proverbs reminds us that gray heads, as my granddaughter […]

Lifestyle Application

1 Cor 9-11 Paul’s counsel applies to us today. Some will always scrutinize our walk and work, but we choose to live by the higher law. Why might we choose this when Jesus proclaimed that those who proclaim the gospel should be paid for that work? Just as Paul chose to live and work as […]