Gal 4 In several cultures there is a rite of passage by having ceremonies and lavish parties. I can remember our granddaughter had her quinceañera when she turned 15. It is both a religious and a social event and much went into the planning of this. For the Jewish boys it is the Bar Mitzvah and for girls the same is called Bat Mitzvah. How about you? Was it your baptism or joining the church? Paul wants the Galatians to recall that they once were classified as merely slaves with no rights or privileges, but one day they would receive their inheritance when they reached the proper age.
Paul is recalling these events to remind the Galatians that they too were slaves of sin, but now they are free and have the rights of inheritance set aside for those who have chosen Christ and believed in Him. He thus asked them if would like to return to their former state or live now in the freedom given to sons and daughters? That is a good question to us. Stay a minute in this chapter and review what God has given to you as His blessing and live as free men and women.