Works, Purified or Fried?

2Thess 1 I love you! These words radiate across the centuries from the hand of Paul. How he, Silvanus, and Timothy loved the Thessalonians. Even today as we read these words we are transported back in time to this city where the believers faced afflictions and persecution similar to those who come into Christianity today. […]

Fruitful or Fruitless?

2 Peter 1 How is your life going today my friend? Are you experiencing fruit both in your own life and in the life of others? If you feel you are lagging, take heart and listen to Simon Peter who was witness of our Lord’s transfiguration on the mountain. It helps to listen to the […]

Faithful Friends

Mark 2 In chapter 1 Jesus leaves Galilee and begins his preaching career with his new disciples who have obeyed and followed Him. When Jesus calls, we must surrender and follow. They had moved from town to town quickly and after some time, they returned to Capernaum where Jesus had healed Peter’s mother in law […]

True Friends are Hard to Find

Mark 2 Jesus has been about His Father’s business as he walked about Galilee. One thing is certain, Jesus made friends easily and not only listened but then acted if there was a need. How often do we listen but not meet the needs of others? A sign of a true friend is one who […]

Off with the Old, On with the New

Numbers 6 Last night a precious friend shed his earthly garments for the garments of the righteous in heaven. He now stands clothed in the garments that had been prepared for him in eternity past because “no one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise, the patch pulls away from it, the new from […]

What do we say?

Ephesians 4-6 What message would Paul say about today? He said the days were evil then, and today we see evil amongst us. How do we encourage another who is facing those evil traits of the enemy? Our battle is not against flesh and blood; those are just the outward pieces of evidence of a […]