Ephesians 4-6 What message would Paul say about today? He said the days were evil then, and today we see evil amongst us. How do we encourage another who is facing those evil traits of the enemy? Our battle is not against flesh and blood; those are just the outward pieces of evidence of a darkened heart. As Paul sat in a darkened prison cell or from his rented house as his prison, what did he recall and how should he encourage, and how can he get this message to them? Enter Tychicus, a beloved and faithful servant. He would craft a letter to the Ephesian church to remain steadfast in the midst of a troubled environment. Who would we trust to carry our message to those who need encouragement? What message would we want them to know?
He wanted the Ephesians to know that he was praying for them and seeking their prayers for him to be bold. He reminded them that their lives are a mirror of a transformed life. The world is watching; what do they see in our families and churches? Take a page out of this Ephesian letter to help you craft words of encouragement to others.