Ephesians 1-3 Paul wrote to encourage the Ephesians to stand fast. About 25 yrs. later under the inspiration of Christ, John wrote to encourage these precious believers to return to their first love. Paul told them they were saints, set apart for God, faithful in Christ. John said you were faithful and enduring. What had happened? Why did you lose that first initial love and depart from your first love? John’s words from Christ remind us that even though we may be earnestly and steadfastly faithful in our works, if not done with love, it is as if we were a gonging cymbal. [1Cor 13:1]
Paul reminded them that their great gift of God’s forgiveness of sin was given to redeem them from their trespasses and sins. It was done through the blood sacrifice of Christ. Now they were forgiven their trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
Just like the Ephesians, we were chosen before the world was founded. He predestined us to be His children because of His will’s pleasure. Peter emphasized this same point: his divine power has bestowed on us everything necessary for life and godliness. [2Pet 1:3]
Keep that love fresh!