True Friends are Hard to Find

Mark 2 Jesus has been about His Father’s business as he walked about Galilee. One thing is certain, Jesus made friends easily and not only listened but then acted if there was a need. How often do we listen but not meet the needs of others? A sign of a true friend is one who […]

“The Jonah Syndrome Surfaces Again”

What is it that we do not learn from Jonah and what do we learn? We don’t learn to obey God instantly—no questions asked. We do learn that “God does not show favoritism in dealing with people!” Peter falls into the Jonah Syndrome in a vision of four-footed animals and reptiles of the earth and hears “Get up, […]


Jn 5; Ps 126-128 “Dreaming…” The invalid of John 5 must have thought he was dreaming as he obediently picked up his mat and walked to the Temple. How could this be? Who healed me? Entering the Temple full of awe and surprise whom does he meet but the ‘religious police’ of his day; the […]