How to win over temptation.

Matthew 4 Temptation and Repentance Jesus faced the onslaught of temptation from the evil one. Satan is clever and begins his temptation of Christ when he is at his lowest point physically and spiritually. We too face this same temptation when we are at our lowest and are the most vulnerable. That is why we […]

Are you preparing for eternity?

Luke 6 How do you see and experience true wisdom and a life that produces rewards? Remember, what you have now is temporal, and if you have nothing but obedience, then that will be rewarded not here but in the afterlife. Jesus wanted the religious leaders to look around them. Did they see those who […]

The Wheels of Justice

God's system of justice

Deut 17-20 Our US system of justice follows these patterns that Moses gave the Israelites. Just like then, so today, we must not judge a person based on the evidence of one witness but rather have at least two. This is impartial judging and brings forth truth rather than what is false. Any death is […]

Trials ask us to define; which person are you?

Jesus has risen from the dead

Luke 22-24 The TestWith his masterful pen and supreme ability to describe events with such clarity, Dr. Luke leaves us breathless and wondering. Which character in the Resurrection story speaks to my heart? Am I the betrayer like Judas? NO, for there was one and only one. Do I see myself as Peter denying Jesus […]