How to win over temptation.

Matthew 4 Temptation and Repentance Jesus faced the onslaught of temptation from the evil one. Satan is clever and begins his temptation of Christ when he is at his lowest point physically and spiritually. We too face this same temptation when we are at our lowest and are the most vulnerable. That is why we […]

The Avoidance Technique

Gen 38 Jacob’s son Judah recalls his part in selling Joseph to Ishmaelite traders, and every time he was in the presence of Jacob, he remembered his part but failed to acknowledge it. Unconfessed sin tears at our hearts, and if we fail to acknowledge it, we seek ways to avoid it, which is what […]

“God’s Message is like a Fire”

Jeremiah 20 Today instead of street-corner preachers, we have live-streamed preachers that tell us all is well IF we send in money to keep that program on the air or buy their books. The years may be different, but people still need to hear what Jeremiah’s placard said: “Repent now!”  The people laughed at Jeremiah’s […]

Treasures…Here Today, Gone Tomorrow…OR???

In the last days blatant scoffers will come into our midst proclaiming that which is contrary to the Word of God. They say time marches on just as it always has from creation but choose to deny the effects of sin upon this earth and mankind. They heap unto themselves treasures of silver and clothes […]

From the Inside Out

Continuing on our journey to the cross we stop today on top of a mountain and learn a valuable lesson in transforming power. In this account, the scribe Mark records Peter’s recollection of this amazing story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John and is supernaturally metamorphosed from his humanity to […]

“Happy Birthday Church”

Birthdays are wonderful times of each year, complete with presents, cake and candles. God loves to celebrate as well and today in Acts 2 we see how he sends the Holy Spirit as the present and tongues of fire as the candles. The icing on the cake comes from seeing how God will use this […]