Impulsiveness vs. God’s Ways

Esther 1-5 One thing we learn from this story is how God can and will use even the impulsiveness of a king to bring about His plan to preserve His people. King Ahasuerus, as we have seen in chapter one, is an impulsive king. He makes snap judgments without thinking of the long-term consequences. He […]

Parenting 101

Prov 4-7 Parenting needs wisdom from God. Even King Solomon began his teaching by reminding his children to listen and pay attention so that they would gain discernment. He had learned from his father, David, and now injects knowledge, reasons, and consequences. They say more is caught than taught, yet Scripture teaches that both are […]

Accuser meets Advocate

Zechariah 3-6 Saved, Sanctified, ServiceSatan is the accuser of the brethren, but we have an advocate in Jesus Christ. He was the Advocate for Joshua, the high priest in Zechariah’s time, and he is our Advocate now. Why do we need an advocate? We need one because we are just like Joshua, blackened with sin, […]

Job and the Trials of Life

Job 1-4 A Blameless Man              God takes our worldview and our way of life seriously. Job is a central character that epitomizes his faith-filled life that not only lived by faith but was an example of that to the surrounding community and his family. Although his story is one of multiple tragedies, he excelled in […]

How to be Sagacious in a Topsy Turvy World

Genesis 3 -5  Have you a constant struggle with the adversary Satan?  It may be 2019 and our new year like newly fallen snow looks beautiful but if you look beneath you will see all of the dirt and grime that is hidden from sight. Truthfully, today like any other day is just like that dirt […]

Let All Heaven Rejoice!

Revelation 12  Throughout the centuries wars have been fought, land claimed, peoples subjugated and the trophies displayed. The Jewish nation has faced more anti-Semitism than many other people groups.  Satan is the author of the fiercest pogroms and holocaust deprivation yet unlike other people groups which are lost to history, the Jews have not only […]

Mo Matter What, Who, When, Why, How or Where…God Can Be Trusted!

“No Matter What, Who, When, Why, Where, How…” Are you are a believer in Christ? Then you need to read and reread the book of Job because you need to know the God you serve and His and your adversary. This is not just a well I will but it is a book that YOU MUST […]

Tick Tock….

Revelation 16 “Tick Tock….” ‘You are just—the one who is and who was, the Holy One—because you have passed these judgments, they got what they deserved.’ Does God take pleasure in this? NO! The answer is found from the pen of Ezekiel: “Do I actually delight in the death of the wicked, declares the sovereign […]