Do and Say

Mark 14 After supper when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He took them to the Garden. How is that they did not notice that Judas was not with them? And, when they saw the contingent of soldiers with Judas, how did they not connect the words of Jesus that one would betray Him? How did […]

God’s Ways Triumph

2 Kings 9-11 Proverbs 31 gives the wisdom principles for a godly woman in her home and culture. She is to be of noble character and trustworthy. However, in 2 Kings 11, we meet two women; one is the antithesis of this, and the other is the true Proverbs 31 woman. Again, we see God’s […]

Jealousy, but why?

Acts 17 Jealousy Raises its Ugly Head Jealousy means unpleasant suspicion or apprehension of rivalry. Keep that in mind as you wander into the city and synagogue of Thessalonica. Paul is on a mission to present the gospel message to as many as he can, recalling what the Lord told him: you are my chosen […]

The Tortoise and the Hare Folk Tale’s lesson

John 1-3 Remember the folk tale of the Tortoise and the Hare? Challenged to a race, they set off, and along the way, the hare became sleepy and lay down to nap. Steadily the Tortoise kept on, and when the hare awoke, to his dismay, saw that Tortoise was at the finish line. Some take […]