9/20/24 Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord

Psalm 105 Recall and Share The psalmist who wrote these words had one basic reminder: seek the Lord and give Him praise. You wonder as he penned these words if he was recalling the past of his nation and how God preserved the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the land of Egypt just […]

Faithful Friends

Mark 2 In chapter 1 Jesus leaves Galilee and begins his preaching career with his new disciples who have obeyed and followed Him. When Jesus calls, we must surrender and follow. They had moved from town to town quickly and after some time, they returned to Capernaum where Jesus had healed Peter’s mother in law […]

Praying and Praising

The power of prayer

Psalm 23 and 24 teach us both practical ideas for praying and praising God. He is our Shepherd and He is our provider and protector. Here’s an idea you might use as you meditate on these psalms: ACTS (A = Adoration, C = Confession, T = Thanksgiving, S = Supplication) You can build your own […]

Preparing for Eternity

Are you ready?

Luke 13: “Repent…”Jesus is asking if we are prepared for eternity. Without the work of the Holy Spirit to bring us to repentance of the heart, we are the most desperate people. In Jesus’ journey around Israel, people asked him about repentance and his message of grace and mercy. The recent calamities of that time […]

Honoring a Parent’s Legacy

2 Chron 2-3, 1 Kings 5-6  Solomon has been anointed king over Israel, and just as we might do, he began to plan how to honor his father’s wishes to build a magnificent temple. His father had planned and organized the materials and now Solomon just had to execute the plan. Solomon calls on his […]

Read, Rehearse, Remember

The scroll of remembrance

Malachi 1-4 The Three “R’s”Today if you speak to people about church attendance and Bible reading, they often turn up their noses and say, like the Israelites of old, it is useless, and besides that, there are hypocrites in the church. [Mal 3:14] They have a warped view and, like Asaph in Ps 73, see […]

Jesus our Redeemer

Christ is our Redeemer

Isaiah  52-54 Redeemer! Isaiah  echoes the voice of Job: As for me, “I know that my Redeemer lives andthat as the last he will stand upon the earth].” [Job 19:25] Over andover, Isaiah reminds the children of God that they are redeemed. “Youshall be redeemed without money.” [Is 52:3 NJJV] “He has redeemedJerusalem.” [Is 52:9 […]

Why do we recall what God has forgiven?

The clouds tell a story: you are forgiven

Isaiah 43-45 Defeat Satan—Recall God Promises One of the enemy’s tactics is to recall to our mind our past sins to distract us. It is one of his “deadly d’s,” and he is proficient in this regard. Perhaps the Jerusalemites were in this state of mind, so Isaiah comes to them to say: “Don’t remember […]