
2Chron 8; 1 Kings 9 Compromising Solomon Solomon conscripted the non-Israelites to work on his projects. God had said to rid the land of them, but instead, Solomon, like his…[...]
2Chron 8; 1 Kings 9 Compromising Solomon Solomon conscripted the non-Israelites to work on his projects. God had said to rid the land of them, but instead, Solomon, like his…[...]
Jer 47-49 God gives Jeremiah His words regarding the nations around Judah who worship idols, and the message has bad omens. You will be defeated! God tells Jeremiah this about…[...]
Proverbs 1-3 God’s path leads to wisdom if we fear/revere Him. Therefore, the foundational principle is that if we want to be wise, it must start not just with our…[...]
1Kings 5-7 The Building of the Temple King David had gathered much material, but God told him that he would never build this massive structure because he was a man…[...]
Eccl 7 – 12 After 12 whole chapters of pithy sayings, Solomon finally concludes that all that he has found has little of any value. Only what is done for…[...]
2 Chron 2-3, 1Kings 5-6 There is a church in a city in Florida that has sat for years untended and unfinished. Whoever was in charge did not seek peace,…[...]
Proverbs 13 Some sheep/children are teachable, and some will refuse correction. Solomon was a teachable child, "Solomon demonstrated his loyalty to the Lord by following the practices of his father David,"…[...]
Prov 8/9 Are you a people watcher as you walk down the path of life? Solomon must have been. He pondered and realized there are two tracks of life (foolish…[...]
Today we begin our walk through the book of Proverbs. Beloved, know this truth that will guide you step by step through life: "It All Begins with Fearing the Lord"…[...]
The author of Hebrews reminds us we must be trained by experience as we gather wisdom from those who are themselves mature, in fact, the aged, or the elder amongst…[...]