Be Impartial

James 2 See with Jesus Eyes  When I grew up, I was faced with prejudice and all its faults. I was forbidden to have interactions with those of another race and another ethnic background. I found it hard to understand but found that little by little those factors crept into my thinking. So, when God […]

Do’s and Don’ts

Eph 4 Do you have someone who rubs you the wrong way? There are those who seem to find pleasure in starting factious conversations and actions. How do we handle these kinds of people? Paul gives us some practical ideas all with the purpose of not grieving the Spirit by whom we were redeemed. After […]

Commandments are Required, Traditions are not.

Mark 7 The religious leaders challenged Jesus about hand washing and asked him:   “Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders but eat with eat with unwashed hands?”  [Mk 7:5] Jesus shows us how we can answer those questions from so-called religious people about why we do or do not do certain things. Jesus carefully reminded them that nowhere did Moses command […]

God Protects & Delivers

Esther 6-10 As we have been studying, one theme continues to repeat itself. The people of God are to remember that God is our protector and our deliverer. [Ps 78:35] Here in the story of Esther, the Jews set up a day each year called Purim to remember that principle. The backdrop of this story […]