Genesis 48-50 Blessings, Death, Forgiveness

As we close out Genesis, we come to these three chapters which might be called, God’s Diary for in it we find how God operates through human history. God blesses…[...]
As we close out Genesis, we come to these three chapters which might be called, God’s Diary for in it we find how God operates through human history. God blesses…[...]
1 Cor 8 Important or not? Have you ever been in a discussion with someone who then argues that you are saying is unimportant? Sparks fly and tempers range. One…[...]
Romans 6 Sin or a new life—which shall it be? This morning we were reading about the life of Jehoshaphat and this chapter in Romans speaks to what we saw.…[...]
Romans 2 We are well aware of what Paul told the Corinthians, the enemy (satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so they cannot see the glorious image of…[...]
1 Peter 3 Peter has been stressing how the church should behave. First, he addresses the family unit, wives then husbands. But to be sure that no one is left…[...]
Philemon 1 Today we send notes and letters via email but rarely snail mail. Imagine being in the time of Paul when a letter was handwritten and then hand carried…[...]
Acts 10 Salvation is for All In the previous chapter we saw how God called a “righteous” Jew to salvation and he will be used to bring the gospel to…[...]
Acts 7 Are you able to share the gospel clearly to unbelievers? There are many programs that offer this as a stepping stone for believers to share their faith. But,…[...]
LUKE 23 As hard as it is to read this chapter and to walk the road of suffering with our Savior, it is noted that even in the hardest time…[...]
Luke 19 When God tells us something is going to happen or He gives us directions to do this and so, why are we surprised when it actually happens? Jesus…[...]