Are you listening?

Matt 11 Mercy not Sacrifice Over and over, Jesus is gracious, but when the Pharisees continue to berate him, He speaks out and acts out for He is gracious. Why did Matthew paint such a contrast picture for his Jewish audience but to show them their heart. God sent His Son to save them but […]

Be Still to hear God’s Voice

Numbers 7 Over two thousand times in the scriptures, we find the words “listen” and “hear.” A hymn writer Emily Crawford captured those truths as she wrote: “Speak, Lord in the stillness while I wait on Thee;” Moses and Samuel are examples of men who heeded that counsel. God clearly marked Moses as his chosen […]

How to be discerning

Jer 21-23 Today we hear many voices. They sound right, legitimate, and pleasant, but are they? One of the challenges we face and the people in Jeremiah’s day faced is discerning whether the messages were from God or not. They had to, and we have to sift between what is true and false. The only […]

Can we know the right path to follow?

Prov 8/9  Are you a people watcher as you walk down the path of life? Solomon must have been. He pondered and realized there are two tracks of life (foolish and wise) and he personifies both. Solomon has observed: Vs. 32: Blessed are those who keep my [God’s] ways. Vs. 34 Blessed is the one […]

What voice do you listen to ?

You are in a situation where a decision must be made. What do you do? Some say one thing, some say another, whose voice is right? 2Chron 10 Voices can be misleading or they can lead to the truth. We are bombarded with voices from the tempter, the world, and the flesh. We must be […]

I am Tamar; Hear My Voice!

2 Sam 13 As we read this tragedy we are confronted with the sin of David being replicated in his firstborn son Amnon but more so is the innocence of his daughter Tamar. How many of our daughters have had to face similar circumstances and only hear the silence of those who should stand up […]

1John 4 “Walking in a Maze”

This chapter has two definite sections: vs 1-6 warnings about those who are false and vs 7-21 living out the faith in love. We must remember that John was called the “son of thunder” by Jesus for a reason. He was headstrong, impulsive and quick to make judgments. He learned from the Savior how to […]

Sacred Moments

Yesterday I had one of those sacred moments. It was not in a time alone in my closet, but I had prepared my heart so when the time came for me to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit I was ready. It was an awesome experience, one I will treasure as a lesson in […]

Am I Wise? Prov 24

I like to think I am wise because of the many years under my belt, but Proverbs always checks my stride to show areas where I am faltering. Prov 24 is one of those chapters! I hold in my  hands the most marvelous treasure of all, God’s Word. Hidden within are the jewels of wisdom […]