Not my fault!

Proverbs 20 Responsibility Like many today, the people of the time this was written, wanted not to take responsibility for their own sins. Dr. Constable explains it like this: “They were claiming to be the innocent victims of the actions of others, blaming others for their condition. In this they sounded just like many in […]

Free at Last!

Romans 8 NO Condemnation Satan is our adversary and as it says, his one motivation is to find or seeks to kill and destroy. He uses many means to keep us from being at peace and his tool is to remind us and to rehearse in our minds our past sins. Yet, as Paul writes, […]

The Sin of Envy

Matt 27  I have sinned, so said Judas before the religious counsel. They said in response: what is that to us revealing the hardness of their hearts. When Pilate questioned Jesus he marveled that here stood before him a man who had been threatened, questioned, beaten, and yet stood dignified. Listening the leaders and Jesus, he […]

The Sower and the Seeds

Luke 8: Dr. Luke takes us on a whirlwind tour of Israel and includes both men and women who brought blessings to our Lord. Some brought material blessings, and their names are written so we might see how God uses each person and their gifts for kingdom work. As he moves from one locale to […]

Advent–Looking for the Blessed Hope

Advent Series: 1 & 2 Thessalonians…Looking for the Blessed Hope Beloved, Christ came many years ago in a stable in Bethlehem but soon and very soon, He shall appear with flashing light and the trumpet of Gabriel. He will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, and […]

Hypocrite! Hypocrite!

Jeremiah 40 to 43  In the NT, Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites meaning one who has the form of godliness without the power. But these religious leaders were not the first; Jeremiah meets them in our reading today. They came to Jeremiah feigning piety seeking God’s counsel about the next step. Standing before him, they […]

An ‘OUCH’ post!

More than once I have heard, I don’t need to tell anyone about Jesus. That’s the preacher’s job OR I don’t feel comfortable doing that OR I don’t know how.  Is that really the reason? Le’ts check those assumptions out. Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty; let’s have a dialog. Let me ask you:  Are you […]

A+ or F? What is your grade?

If you have not read this story please take time now to open your Bible and read John chapter 9. John devotes an entire chapter to the story of the blind man who was given the gift of sight,  but he is not the only character in this story. As Jesus is leaving his time […]

Are You Revealing God’s Glory?

John 2 “Are you Revealing God’s Glory?” When there is a task that needs attending, do you do it half-way or all the way? Do you do it to reveal God’s glory or your own? Jesus was an invited wedding guest to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. While there,  Jesus’ mother noted a problem; […]