One Man’s Gift

Mark 15, Matthew 27 As the holidays approach, we begin to think and consider a gift for those we love. What would our gift be? Joseph of Arimathea needed Pilate’s permission to remove the crucified Jesus from the cross. Then he and Nicodemus prepared his body for burial and transported it to Joseph’s tomb, which […]

A+ or F? What is your grade?

If you have not read this story please take time now to open your Bible and read John chapter 9. John devotes an entire chapter to the story of the blind man who was given the gift of sight,  but he is not the only character in this story. As Jesus is leaving his time […]

Lone Wolf or Member of the Flock? 1Cor 12

Recently in a conversation about church attendance a person noted that she is a “loner” and has been all of her life. She does not require nor does she need to be a part of a group and especially church. Then today in reading for this assignment I came across a blog written by another […]