10.11.24.Giving From the Heart
1 Cor 8 Giving We set aside one day of the week for our tithing but there are other times when we give sacrificially to meet the needs of others.…[...]
1 Cor 8 Giving We set aside one day of the week for our tithing but there are other times when we give sacrificially to meet the needs of others.…[...]
Matt 11 Mercy not Sacrifice Over and over, Jesus is gracious, but when the Pharisees continue to berate him, He speaks out and acts out for He is gracious. Why…[...]
2Sam 22-24 Closing the book of 2Samuel I always become a bit teary when I come to the end of one book. In 2Samuel I have walked with David through…[...]
Lev 16 The Day of AtonementThe Israelites were to set aside one day of the year, and the high priest was to offer sacrifices for himself and his family BEFORE…[...]
Psalm 50 and 51 Our world is in deep trouble, yet the world says it will give you peace and security. The world lies, and if we love the world,…[...]
In today's world we see the youth conforming to their culture in dress, word and actions. Mid-life adults are conforming to the ways of their culture which includes their employment…[...]
The Westminster Confession asks this question: “What is the chief end of man?” with the response “To glorify God and to enjoy God forever.” But, how does a believer go…[...]
The idiom “a bird’s eye view” means to see from above as opposed to a “dog’s eye view” which is ground level. As bird lovers will tell you there is…[...]