Fire is God’s Cleansing Agent

Exodus 5 -7 “It’s All Your Fault!” God!  How often do we echo those words of Moses to God when, after being obedient, there is still no change in the circumstances? How often do we also echo what Moses says: “if the Israelites did not listen to me, then how will Pharaoh listen to me since […]

The World is Watching and Listening

Peter continues to reveal to the beloved Christ followers how they can live, behave and react to those who live in a darkened world. Our walk with Christ begins in the home and moves on to those beyond to the entire world. The home is the foundation and what is done there is revealed in […]

Importunate Prayer

Are you waiting on the scepter to be extended to you to enter God’s throne room much like Esther waited on the king to extend her the golden scepter to offer her admittance? How do you come? Fearful or fearless? “Afterward I will go to the king, even though it violates the law…. If I […]

“We Say What Happens Happens but God says—What Must Happen”

Join me for your ringside seat to what “must” (that is what is necessitated) happen after these things. As I was reading I stopped and asked: “after what things?” The scholars say after seeing Christ in all of His glory, after hearing and telling about the 7 churches. Now the clock starts ticking down to […]

Discernment or Folly? What Would You Choose?

Today we open the most precious Holy Word and read Prov 26. King Solomon in his wisdom has given us a chapter dedicated to helping us see with our eyes and mind that we may be discerning. We have two English words that we can interchange: fool and dullard, which in Hebrew is the word […]

Holy Halo or Humble Thorn? 2Cor 12

Have you ever met or heard of someone who seems to wear a holy halo? They are known by their superfluous adjectives or with a long drawn out face about their recent God encounter. Jesus warned the disciples to beware of these Pharisees who roam about in long robes and utter long drawn out prayers […]

Is the Walk the Talk? Comment on Romans 12: 1&2

The Westminster Confession asks this question: “What is the chief end of man?” with the response “To glorify God and to enjoy God forever.” But, how does a believer go about glorifying God, is my being a living sacrifice part of that glorification?  How would you answer that question? Recently I received a missional letter […]