Peter continues to reveal to the beloved Christ followers how they can live, behave and react to those who live in a darkened world. Our walk with Christ begins in the home and moves on to those beyond to the entire world.
The home is the foundation and what is done there is revealed in how one lives in the church and in the marketplace. Family members must exhibit behavior that will turn the hearts of unbelievers to the Lord. Our walk and talk inside the home prepares us for our walk and talk outside the home. The home is where our lifestyle of harmony, sympathy, brotherly kindness, kindheartedness, humility, forgiveness and blessing will be noted by outsiders. The family is the preparation ground for how we are to answer anyone who asks about the hope we possess. And when and if we are accused and or slandered remember this principle: “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing this you will be heaping burning coals on his head.” [Rom 12:20] for in doing so we are following the principle found in the first chapter: Be ye holy as I am holy. That is the imperative that will win others to Him.
Today, is your home a sanctuary where you are living out a lifestyle that will turn the hearts of unbelievers? If they should ask why you live, behave and respond as you do what would be your answer?
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Neil Nate Turner
Great post!
I think the idea of the world watching has taken on a much larger scale. Example: Have you noticed the tenor of Franklin Graham’s recent posts. My comments to that are, you push a good man hard enough and long enough and his response may not so kind at some point. I can only take care of me, and I have to fight the desire to lash out. I implore people to pray like a mad man, like your life depended on it.
Love you sis.
Good insights and we all are in the process of fighting the desire to lash out. Look at Psalm 38; David is saying “this is not fair!” yet he knew in his heart it was. So instead of lashing out he became as a deaf mute to the words of the enemy which were those supposedly friends of his. How true it is, those who say they are friends become quickly our enemies. We want to lash out but have to be like Jesus…silent. There is wisdom in being silent as my Mom taught me…perhaps a bit too far but still she was when deeply offended by her so-called friends.
Love you back bro!