Reconciliation or Steadfast unforgiveness?

Obadiah 1, Ps 82-83 “An Unforgiving Heart” Edom is the land of Esau, the twin of Jacob. Jacob stole Esau’s birthright as well as his father’s blessing. Esau fostered this hatred throughout his nation, and they carried a bitter grudge for centuries. Outwardly, Esau acted like he forgave Jacob when he returned home, but years […]

Parenting 101

Prov 4-7 Parenting needs wisdom from God. Even King Solomon began his teaching by reminding his children to listen and pay attention so that they would gain discernment. He had learned from his father, David, and now injects knowledge, reasons, and consequences. They say more is caught than taught, yet Scripture teaches that both are […]

God and Jabez

1 Chronicles 4 “God Knows Us…”              The Chronicler noted the lineages of many people without descriptions until we get to chapter 4, verses 9 and 10. What was so important that the Chronicler mentioned Jabez out of the entire lineage he had been recording? Jabez’s life seems like a mystery to us, but God has […]

The Power of Persistent Prayer!

Amos 7-9 Amos was just a sheepherder by trade as he shared with Amaziah, the false priest of Israel, but he also had a powerful ministry of prayer. God called him, and he left Judah and his work to follow God. God revealed horrible visions to him about the future of Israel, and with a […]

Pride’s Downfall and the Believer’s Power in Prayer

Psalm 81 and Romans 1 What a mixed-up world we live in. Our nation has lost its compass. They glorify sin and want us to join them. The psalmist and the Apostle Paul hit the nail on the head: it boils down to this: stubbornness of heart. So God gave them over to their stubborn […]

How do you handle rejection?

2Samuel 10: Have you ever done something nice only not to receive a thank you but a rebuff? With a pure heart, David sent emissaries with a sympathy message at hearing the king of the Ammonites died. God sent His Son, but men have rebuffed his message of the gospel. Instead of receiving David’s message […]

Do you have a Christmas Heart?

Advent Series: 1Peter 3 to 5 Do you have a Christmas Heart? Are you busy untangling Christmas lights, shopping and wrapping gifts for others? There are only a few days left to prepare! Beyond that busyness are you taking time to read and meditate on the words of scripture that your heart might be prepared […]

To Yahweh, I pray…

Daniel 9 The bronze man in Ezekiel 40 told him to “see with your eyes, hear with your ears and pay attention to all I am going to everything I show you…” Now place yourself with Daniel in the mode of prayer and your heart is heavy for the sins of your people and in a […]

Let’s face it; some days are just the pits…

And when those days come around we have only way to handle them and it is in fasting and prayer. Enter Nehemiah and his diary to show us how. Nehemiah 1 to 3 “A.C.T.S Prayer” Nehemiah is a man whose soft heart becomes visible in his reaction to news and in his prayer life. He […]