Do and Say

Mark 14 After supper when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He took them to the Garden. How is that they did not notice that Judas was not with them? And, when they saw the contingent of soldiers with Judas, how did they not connect the words of Jesus that one would betray Him? How did […]

The Christmas Gospel

Advent Series: 1John 1-2 The Gospel Message The Apostle John has authored five books in the NT. He was a fisherman that left all to follow Jesus. He also was the one and only disciple to not have been martyred in the first century. He was given the privilege, unlike the other 11 apostles, to […]

Do you have a Christmas Heart?

Advent Series: 1Peter 3 to 5 Do you have a Christmas Heart? Are you busy untangling Christmas lights, shopping and wrapping gifts for others? There are only a few days left to prepare! Beyond that busyness are you taking time to read and meditate on the words of scripture that your heart might be prepared […]

Who is Lord of your life?

Ezekiel 22 – 24 “Who is Lord of your life?” People are waiting for the movie Downton Abbey to be released. People already have purchased tickets and are counting down the days. Why are people drawn to this fictitious story? One reason may be that one character, the stuffy butler, captures our heart. Like in […]

1 John 1 From the pen of the Apostle John: I just have to tell you what Jesus has done for me He can do for you.  Did you ever have such an amazing experience that you can’t stop telling everyone you meet all about it?  You want them to join you in the joy you have, […]

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

If Jesus could come to you and say “follow me” what do you think it would entail? Would it mean liking Him like we do on Twitter or Facebook? Is this all Discipleship is,  “liking and following Jesus?” Down through history, many have chosen to follow men who have risen to power. Michael H. Hart […]

The Aristocracy of Believers

This year Queen Elizabeth will turn 90. She has boldly claimed that she is a believer in God and His Son Jesus Christ. One of these days her earthly crown will be changed to an eternal crown for she is not just of earthly aristocracy but is of the heavenly aristocracy. Peter reminded the believers […]

“Just as He said….”

  After the Sabbath, three women arrive at the tomb of Jesus as the sun was rising. They had come to anoint the body of Jesus and along the way had discussed and questioned: “Who will roll the stone away for us?” Upon their arrival, their discussion was abruptly ended for with eyes to see […]

Continuing Through Acts: Chapter 12

“Do You Believe in Prayer or Not?” King Herod, of Herod fame, inflicts harm on the early church to please the Jews. But, God is at work both in and behind the scenes as we read this chapter and see the fulfillment of the words of Jesus “Upon this rock I will build “MY” church […]