Do and Say

Mark 14 After supper when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He took them to the Garden. How is that they did not notice that Judas was not with them? And, when they saw the contingent of soldiers with Judas, how did they not connect the words of Jesus that one would betray Him? How did […]

God’s Invitation Deserves a Response

2 Kings 18, 2 Chron 29-31, Ps 48 When you hear the word consecration, what comes to mind? It means to dedicate oneself to the work of the Lord, and that is what Hezekiah chose to do. As a result of this obedience to God, he was a righteous king, and the nation was also […]

“Christ is Our Passover”

Exodus 10 to 12 The plagues sent by God awaken the Egyptian court, and they plead with Pharaoh. “Release the people so they may serve the LORD their God.” The weak magicians had said to Pharaoh, “It is the finger of God” yet Pharaoh continued in his stubbornness. Pharaoh’s words will haunt him later: “Who […]

“What will your R.S.V.P. Say?”

As Jesus ended his earthly time with his disciples he had them prepare the Passover, his last meal with them before the cross. He emphasized that as they partook of the bread and wine that it represented his body and his blood shed for them. Although they did not totally understand the significance of this […]