“The Jonah Syndrome Surfaces Again”

What is it that we do not learn from Jonah and what do we learn? We don’t learn to obey God instantly—no questions asked. We do learn that “God does not show favoritism in dealing with people!” Peter falls into the Jonah Syndrome in a vision of four-footed animals and reptiles of the earth and hears “Get up, […]

“Changing Lives One at a Time”

We lovingly remember Peter from the gospels with all of his faults, but God is in the changing business with each of us as Peter will learn. As Peter has learned to encourage, lift up and challenge believers outside of Jerusalem, it seems he is pilgrimage alone. Along the way, he will learn what men […]

Lord Save Me!

This  is  the  second  time  the  disciples  have  witnessed  first-hand  the  power  of  the  Christ  in  a  storm.  In  Matt  8  the  disciples  unsuccessfully  battle  a  storm  and  Jesus  sleeps  through  it  all.  Being  awakened  he  commands  the  wind  and  the  sea  to  cease  and  it  does.  Then  the  disciples  ask  “What  sort  of  person  […]

“God’s Recipe for Fudge”

Have you ever read a verse of scripture, closed the Book and walked away and said, what did I just read or what does all of this mean to me practically? To illustrate, think of making fudge. You cook it and wait for it to “fudge” but it just remains gooey and seems to be […]

Our Want-to’s and Prayer

Peter continues his dialog about suffering to the persecuted believers. His focus herein reflects on the inner man because that is where our attitudes are shaped by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The failure of Peter to stay awake in a crucial moment in time led the Master to ask: “Couldn’t you stay […]

Forever is a Huge Word…It Means Forever and Ever and Ever…

Peter has spent an entire chapter grabbing our attention as to who we are in Christ. We who have chosen Christ are now the chosen of Him. He who was called to be our sacrifice now calls us to feed, shepherd, and tend His flock. He who was elected to stand in our place now […]

John 21 “Full Restoration…”

Have you ever kept yourself busy so you don’t have to think? You find busy activities to occupy your mind so that your wayward actions do not creep in and occupy your thoughts. This is the tool of the enemy so that you are hindered from service but the Master comes to us that we […]

My Hope When I Fall…..

Mark ended his gospel message with hope but there was one disciple who still was lingering and wondering; Peter. Where is he emotionally, spiritually, physically at this time as he considers the possibilities of what may lie ahead? He recoiled at the memory of his courtyard experience where he had denied Jesus three times just […]

From the Inside Out

Continuing on our journey to the cross we stop today on top of a mountain and learn a valuable lesson in transforming power. In this account, the scribe Mark records Peter’s recollection of this amazing story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John and is supernaturally metamorphosed from his humanity to […]

Piercing the Darkness

Frank Peretti may have written a novel titled “Piercing the Darkness” but in Mark chapter 5 we experience this first hand.     If there is one thing that Jesus is an expert at it is this: do NOT waste a teachable moment! We would do well to glean from this chapter just how he […]