You want me to do what, God?

Psalm 109 The principle of turning the other cheek So often when we face those who seek to do evil we try to handle the problem by ourselves. Maybe that…[...]
Psalm 109 The principle of turning the other cheek So often when we face those who seek to do evil we try to handle the problem by ourselves. Maybe that…[...]
Ps 106-108 Forgetting and Remembering The psalmist reminded us yesterday in Ps 103 that we have short memories. It is like that part of our brain goes to sleep and…[...]
Psalm 103: Wonderful! The Psalmist in 103 reminded himself and the reader to “Praise the Lord, O my soul. Do not forget all his kind deeds. Or, as another translation says: do not…[...]
Psalm 101 Jeremiah wrote that the heart is deceitful! No one can know it but God! [Jer 17:9] It is He that transforms that deceitful heart into something glorious to…[...]
Ps 99:8 The God-Who-Forgives; that is His Name/Character Have you ever done a puzzle only to find a piece missing? The psalmist is essentially saying that our holiness is just…[...]
Ps 94-96 Facing Anxieties? Sing! The psalmist shares his “antidote” to his anxious heart: “When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.” [Ps 94:19] He then…[...]
Ps 91 As I wandered through my flower bed this a.m. I was thinking about this psalm. How encouraging this is to know that God is El Elyon, Yahweh; El Shaddai;…[...]
Ps 90-91 “Think about this statement: Life is brief, eternity is forever.” Moses prayed: “Lord, you have been our dwelling place, our protector through all generations.” [Ps 90:1] With God,…[...]
Ps 85-87 Choices Today our nation, just as the nation of long ago Israel, is bombarded with the false gods who promise peace and prosperity. The prophet Elijah saw that…[...]
Psalm 84 A Bird’s Eye View God created the birds to fly above the earth and across the expanse of the sky. The timid swallow feeds upon the wing across…[...]