Will you go to Heaven?

Revelation 21: John had reminded the reader to be an overcomer or a conqueror because the reward is beyond description and the loss is irreparable. What do we have to overcome…[...]
Revelation 21: John had reminded the reader to be an overcomer or a conqueror because the reward is beyond description and the loss is irreparable. What do we have to overcome…[...]
Revelation 13 Many celebrities have passed from life to death. They were easily recognized having sought fame and fortune and big names in lights. Yes, many achieved that; but did they…[...]
Revelation 12 Throughout the centuries wars have been fought, land claimed, peoples subjugated and the trophies displayed. The Jewish nation has faced more anti-Semitism than many other people groups. Satan…[...]
Psalm 147:16 “He sends the snow that is white like wool; he spreads the frost that is white like ashes.” Both cover the rooftops and the barren ground that is…[...]
Revelation 10 The Mighty Angelic Being and the Mysterious Scroll Scrolls held private messages from one to another. In chapter 5 John is found weeping but assured that the Lamb…[...]
Revelation 6 and Gal 4:4 The Sovereignty of God Through the centuries the world has sought to find peace and so in God’s sovereign will He chose to send prophets…[...]
Revelation 4 When Jesus walked and talked with the Apostle John and the other 11 disciples he remarked: “I tell you the solemn truth, I am the door for the…[...]
Psalm 141:2 & Luke 1 Advent is the “in-between” season as we wait to celebrate the Christ child’s birth. Thus it was in God’s “in-between” time Zechariah was chosen by…[...]
Revelation 3 For several weeks now I have led a wonderful group through the book of Acts in our online Bible Study. In doing so we have seen where Paul…[...]
Rev 2 Paul wandered through what we know today as Turkey, planting churches. As he was preparing to return to Jerusalem for the feast he prayed over the Ephesian elders…[...]