The Open Door

Revelation 4  When Jesus walked and talked with the Apostle John and the other 11 disciples he remarked:

“I tell you the solemn truth, I am the door for the sheep.”

The other disciples have been martyred but John has been spared so that he might write in a book what he sees as commanded by the risen Christ.

rev 4 open doorAnd so in some miraculous way, John is transported from the craggy sterile windswept isle of Patmos to the entrance of heaven. Just as John had stood and then entered the empty tomb, he now stands before heaven’s open door. At the tomb, he entered and believed. Because he believed, Christ opens his eyes to see inside a majestic throne room. With senses heightened, John sees flashes of lightning and hears roaring and crashes of thunder. The beauty is just as the prophets had said and immediately the words of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel came rushing back to him and he exclaims:

It is just as they said!

John says I saw the sovereign master, the Ancient of Days seated on a high, elevated throne!  Above the blazing throne was a form that appeared to be a man with hair as white and soft like lamb’s wool. The throne had flaming wheels and sitting on the throne was one who gleamed as jasper and carnelian. Encircling the throne was a rainbow like an emerald and around the throne were elders and creatures who worshiped. The elders had white clothes and golden crowns about their heads and there were four living creatures that never rested day or night saying:

Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God, the All-Powerful,

Who was and who is, and who is still to come!”

One day, if you, like John, have made the decision to accept Jesus as Savior, you will see what the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and then the Apostle John saw. You too will worship day and night.

The question is, will you see it? Is Jesus your Savior?


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