Revelation 21: John had reminded the reader to be an overcomer or a conqueror because the reward is beyond description and the loss is irreparable. What do we have to overcome or conquer? It is the sin of the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life.
Standing and hearing that it is done, his mind may have swiftly been taken back to the first images of these 7 churches that John knew and ministered to or even further back to the Garden of Eden. What blessings await the conquerors are the very ones God would have showered upon Adam and Eve had they obeyed to not eat of the tree of life.
Once forbidden, a conqueror will be given permission to feast upon that very tree. Because Adam and Eve ate, hanging over their head was the second death. But you who are conquerors will never have to fear the death that will forever separate you from God. You will not only feast on the Tree of life but also be nourished with the hidden manna as you listen for your new name being called by God. Instead of being fearful when you hear God calling you will answer: “Here I am!” Adam and Eve had tried to cover themselves with fig leaves but God will cover the conquerors with white clothing; the garment given to those who are righteous.
Adam and Eve plunged all of humanity into sin yet Jesus paid the price of their decision. We who are conquerors will stand by seeing our name in the Lamb’s Book of Life; be a pillar in God’s temple and sit with Jesus on the throne.
Beloved, heaven is indescribable but it is only for the conqueror. Are you one?
Mary Ann
By the grace of God I am one 🙂
That makes me so happy to hear. Thanks for the note!