Does God See?

As a wise parent, Solomon continues to admonish or to gently reprove his children. Why? Because “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child.”[Prov 22] If we truly…[...]
As a wise parent, Solomon continues to admonish or to gently reprove his children. Why? Because “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child.”[Prov 22] If we truly…[...]
A common saying goes like this: When one door closes another opens but in the meantime we just stand, wonder and ask what are you doing here God? At those…[...]
It seems that between Acts and Psalms we are being reminded daily of our need to praise God. Listen to the psalmist: 21:13 “We will sing and praise your power!” 22:3 “you sit as…[...]
It seems that no matter where we turn we are faced with the false lies of the enemy of our souls. Satan is not only a master deceiver but he…[...]
“Do You Believe in Prayer or Not?” King Herod, of Herod fame, inflicts harm on the early church to please the Jews. But, God is at work both in and…[...]
The author of Hebrews reminds us we must be trained by experience as we gather wisdom from those who are themselves mature, in fact, the aged, or the elder amongst…[...]
What is it that we do not learn from Jonah and what do we learn? We don’t learn to obey God instantly—no questions asked. We do learn that “God does not show favoritism…[...]
We lovingly remember Peter from the gospels with all of his faults, but God is in the changing business with each of us as Peter will learn. As Peter has…[...]
One day in the teaching ministry of Jesus, he told a parable about a Pharisee and a Publican to illustrate the truth of those who were confident in their own…[...]
From the outset, Jesus had to deal with 12 unruly men who argued and passionately desired to be the greatest, but when the Holy Spirit came and indwelt them, all…[...]