How To Fight the Visible/Invisible War

Today you can turn on a TV almost anywhere in the world and find so-called Christian programming.  I say so-called because there are many out there that are Christian in name only. As believers, we are not just facing an invisible war in our minds but also a visible war when we see and hear […]

Meeting Jesus on a Dusty Road

One day in the teaching ministry of Jesus, he told a parable about a Pharisee and a Publican to illustrate the truth of those who were confident in their own righteousness while they looked down on others. In much the same way, Saul, whom we meet in Acts 9 is a picture of that Pharisee. […]

God’s Laundry Service

Each week we drag garments that have been worn and soiled to the washer. These soiled garments are an illustration of who were before Christ’s cleansing entered us. Just as soap washes our garments, Christ’s blood washed us from the ravages of sin. The indwelling Holy Spirit rubs the stains of the old life out […]

Compassionate Warning

Paul’s compassionate heart is revealed in ch 1 for two women who are struggling. Now in ch 2 he reveals his “soft side” once again but it is for the church as a whole and not just the Colossian church but also the Laodicean church. Paul notes that they are currently living Christ-like lives but […]