A Psalm of Praise

Psalm 18 I doubt any of us have faced enemies as King David did. The OT graphically portrays those who hated David and sought to kill him. As I said, I doubt few of us have faced such vengeance and hatred. These attitudes and behaviors come out of the pit of hell and are encouraged […]

The Power of the Holy Spirit!

Acts 9 The Conversion of Saul As we read this story, we are drawn back to Jn 16:2 and the words of Jesus “They will put you out of the synagogue,…the one who kills you will think “they are” offering service to God.” Before this, the religious leaders did not think twice and plotted to […]

Our Invisible Shield

Teaching 6th graders has been so exhilarating! Each week we get to know these kids better and better and it is exciting to see how much they retain. But the grandest gift of all is when they leave saying ‘I can’t wait to hear what happens next.” Smile, Smile, Smile on these teacher’s faces! Last […]

Do You Know How to Face Goliath?

Here’s your sneak preview of the post on https://www.facebook.com/bible.org which will be published on July 27th. Just as physical waves toss about, the waves of the world try to toss us about. We face the giant Goliath’s that David faced whose “bodies are strong and well fed, arrogance is their necklace, violence is their clothing.” […]

Meeting Jesus on a Dusty Road

One day in the teaching ministry of Jesus, he told a parable about a Pharisee and a Publican to illustrate the truth of those who were confident in their own righteousness while they looked down on others. In much the same way, Saul, whom we meet in Acts 9 is a picture of that Pharisee. […]

The True 007 Stands Up!

If anyone could write a novel of real life as a 007 agent it is King David. His life of hair breadth escapes reads like a James Bond novel and Psalm 54 fits in perfectly with the plot line. If you are a fan of James Bond, you know that he often escapes with finesse […]