The True 007 Stands Up!

ImageIf anyone could write a novel of real life as a 007 agent it is King David. His life of hair breadth escapes reads like a James Bond novel and Psalm 54 fits in perfectly with the plot line. If you are a fan of James Bond, you know that he often escapes with finesse and clever tactics, thanks to cinematography, and you walk away with your heart palpitating. David lived it in real life and today’s psalm finds him seeking a respite as he had done previously near the camp of the Ziphites, who were in fact blood relatives. However, they are the Judas Iscariot’s of the OT as they betray and double-cross on more than one occasion revealing to Saul where David is hidden. Chapters 1Samuel 23 and 26 is a record if you care to read it and see the true 007 in action.

This is the backdrop and prominent theme in Psalm 54. Our true 007 did not trust in harrowing car chases but instead as he wandered from oasis to oasis learned to trust God (Elohim—Creator who interacts and reveals Himself to His creation, one who has sovereign authority over all). David voiced his prayer to Elohim and asked him for deliverance in vs 1-3 and in vs 4-6 records his thankfulness for having his prayers heard.

Vs 1: O God deliver me by your name. God’s Name is strong and powerful; by His Name He brought creation into existence and by His Name He continues to reveal Himself. “For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen,”[Rom 1] Paul reminded us in Ephesians 6 to: “be strengthened in the Lord and in the strength of his power.”

Vs 2 O God, listen to my prayer. God hears and responds to those whose heart is perfectly aligned with him. Pro 15:29 The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.

Vs 4 Look, God is my deliverer! God, Elohim is the only one who has the power to deliver when we are in dire circumstances. David trusted that God “is” that he is currently and always will be. Secondly that according to his character he will deliver. Deliverer is “’azar” and carries with it the meaning of one who helps or supports.

Vs 7 Surely, he (Adonai = Lord- master) rescues me from all trouble. The confidence that David had in this challenging time is seen in this last verse. Pro 3:26 for the Lord will be the source of your confidence, and he will guard your foot from being caught in a trap. Where is your confidence this day?

You may not be living a life as a 007 agent but your life may be just as Paul described in Ephesians 6
“a struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.” In whom do you put your trust for deliverance when the roaring lion roves about seeking whom he may devour?


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