Grief over Sin

2 Samuel 1-4 As it was then, it is today. There are power struggles and expectations of praise from those in leadership, only to be met with righteous anger. Avenging is God’s work, not man’s.   David, the man after God’s own heart, reveals how we should respond to the death of another—even If they are […]

What will people remember?

2 Chron 2-3, 1Kings 5-6 There is a church in a city in Florida that has sat for years untended and unfinished. Whoever was in charge did not seek peace, and today the courts are in control with no resolution. Recalling that image and the backstory is so unlike the story before us today. David’s […]

Pride goeth before the fall…

2 Sam 16-18 “God is the Avenger, not us….” 2 Sam 16-18 “God is the Avenger, not us….” In Proverbs 20:11 we read: “Even a young man is known by his actions, whether his activity is pure and whether it is right,” and the contrast is also true.  Everyone knew about Absalom—it seems, except his […]

Feeling Pinched? God IS the Answer!

Did you ever lose something and no matter where you look or try to retrace your steps you cannot see the lost item. When that happens I take time to echo this prayer: Holy Spirit give me your eyes to see what is hidden. And you know what? It happens every time that He reveals […]

Do You Know How to Face Goliath?

Here’s your sneak preview of the post on which will be published on July 27th. Just as physical waves toss about, the waves of the world try to toss us about. We face the giant Goliath’s that David faced whose “bodies are strong and well fed, arrogance is their necklace, violence is their clothing.” […]

Psalm 51 “Sin, Forgiveness and Grace”

Had King David remembered:  “sin is crouching at the door, and its desire is for you, but you must master it” he would not have experienced an adulterous affair with Bathsheba nor committed murder to cover it up. Yet David concealed his sin and why  God sent Nathan the prophet to him. As David realized […]

The True 007 Stands Up!

If anyone could write a novel of real life as a 007 agent it is King David. His life of hair breadth escapes reads like a James Bond novel and Psalm 54 fits in perfectly with the plot line. If you are a fan of James Bond, you know that he often escapes with finesse […]

“With God there is No Fear”

King David seemed to always be on the run from King Saul’s army. David often found refuge in the Judean wilderness and in its many caves which were deep and cavernous. We read of one such time while hiding in a cave that Saul entered to relieve himself. What an opportune moment! David secretly cut […]