The Eye of God

Habakkuk 1-3 Habakkuk has been given a bird’s eye view of the world and God’s judgment. He doesn’t understand why God would choose the evil empire of Babylon to judge his people, but then God reveals why through the use of illustrations beginning with “woe.” God pronounces three woes. Woe to him who covets evil gain. […]

Will you go?

                                 Jonah 1-4    Jonah is not only a Hebrew but also a Hebrew who worships the Lord, the God of heaven. Yet, Jonah is a picture of the selfish racial condemnation of others. God said in Isaiah, who will go for us and Isaiah said, “send me.” Yet, Jonah hearing that same call turns a […]

Moving and a Quiet Time

1Kings 8 to 10  Recently a friend moved and it was a chore—especially with little children who don’t really understand why they are moving from a familiar place to one that is unfamiliar! Can you relate? In these chapters, King Solomon is moving the Ark from its place in the countryside to the brand new […]

How Well Do You Know Your A,B, C’s?

It seems that between Acts and Psalms we are being reminded daily of our need to praise God. Listen to the psalmist: 21:13 “We will sing and praise your power!” 22:3 “you sit as king receiving the praises of Israel.” And now the command is given by the earthly king  to and for the heavenly king: 22:23 “You loyal followers of […]

Are You Sure of Your Destiny?

“people are appointed to die once, and then to face judgment,”[Heb 9]. Our question is: are you prepared for your entry into eternity? In Luke 23, we are presented with three candidates for us to observe and determine ours. First on our list is Barabbas, an insurrectionist and a murderer. He is incarcerated in a […]

Lord Save Me!

This  is  the  second  time  the  disciples  have  witnessed  first-hand  the  power  of  the  Christ  in  a  storm.  In  Matt  8  the  disciples  unsuccessfully  battle  a  storm  and  Jesus  sleeps  through  it  all.  Being  awakened  he  commands  the  wind  and  the  sea  to  cease  and  it  does.  Then  the  disciples  ask  “What  sort  of  person  […]

1Thess 4 “Practical Holiness”

“Indeed, the more sanctified the person is, the more conformed he is to the image of his Savior, the more he must recoil against every lack of conformity to the holiness of God.” [Jn Murry]. We can recoil but how do we stay on top of this desire for holiness and then live it out […]

Jesus-Believer’s Transformation

In Thessalonica Paul preached the truth of the gospel from the scriptures “explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and to rise from the dead, saying, “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Christ.” [Acts 17] But his stay was short lived and as Paul left hurriedly he had visions that […]