Will you go?

                                 Jonah 1-4    Jonah is not only a Hebrew but also a Hebrew who worships the Lord, the God of heaven. Yet, Jonah is a picture of the selfish racial condemnation of others. God said in Isaiah, who will go for us and Isaiah said, “send me.” Yet, Jonah hearing that same call turns a […]

Do You Have God’s eyes to see?

Ps 41/Ps 33 “The Beatitudes of the Psalms.” As a tax collector, Matthew was monetarily rich, and yet his heart was empty until Jesus called him. He left behind his riches to follow Christ and later recorded the teachings of Jesus that his fellow Jews might see the promised Messiah. Matthew 5 reveals what the […]

Holy Spirit Fruit= Gentleness

I have come to the conclusion that the Fruit that is missing from my tree is gentleness so Galatians 6 is riveting to my soul. So I might ask you to examine your fruit tree and see if you are missing something as I am. My gentle bough is barren and the wise and prudent […]