When One Door Closes…..

A common saying goes like this: When one door closes another opens but in the meantime we just stand, wonder and ask what are you doing here God? At those times wonder no more but step out in faith knowing that God has a plan and all He asks is that we trust Him. Acts […]

The word of the day: Postiche???

“Is Your Postiche Showing?” Today’s good word is “postiche” [pahs teesh] which comes from the French and carries with it the idea of fake or counterfeit. In Luke 12 Jesus reveals the postiche of the Pharisees to his disciples and provides warning signs that they too could become just as counterfeit in their faith. To […]

Discernment or Folly? What Would You Choose?

Today we open the most precious Holy Word and read Prov 26. King Solomon in his wisdom has given us a chapter dedicated to helping us see with our eyes and mind that we may be discerning. We have two English words that we can interchange: fool and dullard, which in Hebrew is the word […]