The Compassion of Christ

As we are walking through Passion Week and soon will celebrate Resurrection Sunday it is important for us to step back and look at the life of Christ and the writer Mark will be our guide. As we begin we see that Mark reveals the urgency of Christ’s message to a world wallowing in sin. […]

How Can I love “that person?”

I am sure you have heard this  statement: how can I love “that person;” look at how they are or what they have done! Yet when we read Titus 3 we see that we too were once foolish, darkened in our understanding, deceived, enslaved to worldly passions, hateful and hating. How can we love another? It […]

Deny Self, Live Righteously, Look for The Return of Jesus

 When having conversations regarding a person’s lifestyle  I have encountered one of these responses  which leads me to wonder— has this person really accepted the Word of God as His final and absolute standard? Here is what I have heard both recently and in the past when I asked why a person chooses to do thus […]

The Power of Words

According to statistical studies women speak far more than men. In fact a study revealed that women speak an average of 20,000 words while men only speak 7000 words in a day. Paul encouraged Titus to “speak (to older men, to older women, to younger men and bondslaves) the things fitting for sound doctrine…speak and […]

Why Are We Here?

Paul sent an edifying and encouraging note to Titus, his genuine son in the faith. Paul said to Titus “The reason I left you in Crete” was to do thus and so. We recall the words of Peter “Lord, why can’t I follow you “NOW”? [Jn 13]  Jesus answered I have left you here so that […]

How Forgiving Are We?

Today as in the days of Paul, we may face circumstances when all those who once stood by our side forsake us and we stand alone. How do we respond when this happens? Paul has learned his lessons well and he learned the art of forgiveness from the lips of Jesus “Father forgive them for they […]

Want Godly Children?

 It is an innate desire that we want to be known as godly parents/teachers and role models. We want and earnestly pray for godly children to be our legacy. How then does it begin and where does it begin? Paul gives us a glimpse as he writes this third chapter of 2 Timothy. More than […]

Anointed Believers Encourage One Another

Just  as  Paul  wrote  in  his  first  letter  to  his  beloved  child  in  the  faith,  Timothy,  he  so  again  reiterates  this  love  for  him  by  calling  him  “my  dear  child.”  We may be first generation believers; 2nd or even beyond but someone modeled a sincere faith for us. We must honor that memory. As long […]

Reflecting Christ in an Unchristian World

As parents and teachers we often hear the words “why?” when asked to do something. Paul in this chapter gives us the answer to the question before it is asked. “Why” are we to be above reproach within and without the church is the question that surely will arise when we are told to pray […]

Left in Charge

Many times when I was a teacher I would have to step out of the classroom for period of time for differing reasons. As a parent this was often true as well. In stepping out they often  leave  with  these  words  “I  am  leaving  you  in  charge.”  How  does  that  statement  sit  with  you?  Do  […]