“Rooted in Jesus.”

John 16, Our world appears to be changing rapidly, and many are asking, is it out of control?   Jesus prepared the disciples to know that even as the religious leaders were hostile to his presence and work, it would intensify after his departure. In light of that, Jesus said: “a time is coming when the […]

What is the Right Advice in Times Like This?

Psalm 62  Do you find it hard to wait? David was in a desperate situation. Jesus was nearing the end of his earthly life, and he told the disciples to stay alert and watch lest you fall into temptation. How often do we fail to stay alert and ‘wait?’ How often do we fall asleep […]


Isaiah 36-37 In the 30’s Al Capone ruled Chicago. He taunted those who did not want to pay him for protection and if they didn’t, he took note and sent his thugs to “take care of the problem.” Sennacherib was the Capone Hezekiah faced.  His thugs were Rabshakeh and his contingent. They mocked God and […]

Left in Charge

Many times when I was a teacher I would have to step out of the classroom for period of time for differing reasons. As a parent this was often true as well. In stepping out they often  leave  with  these  words  “I  am  leaving  you  in  charge.”  How  does  that  statement  sit  with  you?  Do  […]