Why surprised?

1Cor 1-4 If there is one thing that amazes me, it is the lack of spiritual hunger for those whose destiny speaks of hell. Just as Paul encountered those who were jealous, angry, and refused the gospel message, we see these same kinds of people today. Paul’s letter was about the cross and the Savior […]

Protect the Little Ones!

Matthew 18 The disciples wanted to know who was the greatest so Jesus took a little child and said, here is the true test of greatness: “become like little children,” or you will not ever enter the kingdom of heaven. Pride stands in the way of greatness. Be ye humble like this child. And again, […]

“You Are Called!”

1Cor 1-4 Romans gave us a theological discussion on salvation, unity, and service. Today we begin the walkthrough 1Corinthians. “This book provides a glimpse of life inside a first-century church. Of all the churches that Paul birthed, loved, and tended, the Corinthian church had by far the most eye to eye contact and teaching than […]

How to Handle Misunderstandings

Joshua 22 It has been seven long years since the tribes who had received land on the east of the Jordan. These tribes made a promise, and they kept it to.the.letter.! Joshua reminded them that their faithfulness is worthy of reward.  As they neared the crossing of the Jordan, they stopped and built an impressive altar. […]

Watch Out! You may be in Danger!

1Cor 3 “The Danger of Holy Huddles” The church at  Corinth was birthed under Paul but now left to their own they have become divided into Paul camps and Apollo camps. This is a warning to us about this happening to our churches and even para-church organizations. No matter how it comes about, know this; […]

Are We Walking in “No-Man’s Land?”

We have heard it said over and over and over: you are judging. Now to be sure there are times when we are to judge and to judge righteously when we discern doctrinal error. However, in this chapter, Paul over and over and over is trying to get our attention that when we judge or […]