Praise the King of Kings!

Psalm 103 When the Israelites were released from bondage in Egypt, God told them that if they worshiped Him and Him only He would provide His lovingkindness to them. The…[...]
Psalm 103 When the Israelites were released from bondage in Egypt, God told them that if they worshiped Him and Him only He would provide His lovingkindness to them. The…[...]
1Chron 7-10 What would you want others to record about your life when you pass from this earth? We all want others to recall our good deeds offered to humanity.…[...]
Ps 81; 88; 92-93 The Highs and Lows of LifeGod is near and always ready to answer our prayers, but there are times in our lives when God is silent.…[...]
Psalm 73: Life is not fair, says Asaph. Like him, we often look at life through our natural eyes rather than with an eternal perspective. When that occurs, we can…[...]
1 Chronicles 4 “God Knows Us…” The Chronicler noted the lineages of many people without descriptions until we get to chapter 4, verses 9 and 10. What was so important…[...]
Psalm 44 Have you ever faced a time in your life when you could not put your finger on why you were suffering? We meet people who are suffering, and…[...]
2 Samuel 1-4 As it was then, it is today. There are power struggles and expectations of praise from those in leadership, only to be met with righteous anger. Avenging…[...]
Psalm 121 My Help Comes From? When in a quandary, where do you turn for help; to others, to the scriptures, or to God in prayer? David knew the one…[...]
1 Sam 29-31 David decided to go with Achish to fight with the Philistines but is rejected by them. Sometimes, even in our hastiness or foolishness, we pay the price…[...]
Psalm 17; Psalm 35; Psalm 54; Psalm 63 The Deadly D’s Have you ever felt like you are “on the run” from the deadly d’s; that is, dismay, discouragement, disappointment?…[...]