
There are many TV shows that trace a fledgling law firm which seeks to help those who are less fortunate navigate the judicial system. Some come out with what seems…[...]
There are many TV shows that trace a fledgling law firm which seeks to help those who are less fortunate navigate the judicial system. Some come out with what seems…[...]
Psalm 13 Into thy hands I commit my spirit we somberly say but do we really mean it? What does it mean? David has been in some sort of conflict…[...]
Psalm 9 -12 I don’t know about you but life seems to be at warp speed these days. The internet keeps us focused for a fraction of time and authors…[...]
I never saw the connection. Psalms follows Job, why not before? In Job, we wandered for months while he suffered on the sidelines knowing full well the onslaught Satan was…[...]
Job 35-37 We have been following Job and his friends as they respond to his suffering. The young Elihu continues to wax eloquently and finally near the end he poses a…[...]
"Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity." Today many of our young people are getting a bad rap. There are many who are wise, intelligent…[...]
Did you ever stop to think that as long as you are speaking, God doesn't need to? It is the same way in human conversations. If we are talking the…[...]
Job 25-27 Chapter 25 is a very short summary of what Bildad has discerned and it is this: he has no personal relationship with the God Job believes in. He…[...]
Job and his three "comforters" have been dialoguing back and forth on the points of wickedness and righteousness. The three, Bildad, Eliphaz and Zophar are sure Job is in the…[...]
Facing Death in the face is hard for the person facing it and the person beholding it. No matter what, it is harder than hard. We do not want to…[...]